Yesterday I finally saw The Kills live at the Melkweg in Amsterdam. It took me quite a while, but it was worth the wait. Because of their raw and gritty sound, I sometimes tend to forget that Alison really has a beautiful voice. Fortunately, they gave a reminder of that fact by playing Last Goodbye during the encore, a slow song featured on the new album, Blood Pressures. On the album it sounds somewhat cheesy, with the string arrangements and all... but played live, the piano and strings were distorted and a bit out of tune which made it all fit perfectly.
By the way, I'm on Tumblr now! I already signed up for an account months ago, but I never really started using it until recently. At first, I didn't really see what extra value it could bring to my blog or one of the other network things I'm on and that it was just a platform for hipsters to channel their ~coolness~, but I've come round to it. Unlike this blog, I use it as a sort of visual diary. I try to upload something every day, and it's actually working! Feel free to follow me if you're interested. I'm still looking for nice people to follow, so if you have any suggestions, let me know!
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