1. Fever Ray - Fever Ray
Mmm, such an amazing and brilliant album. I really took me some time to get used to her sound, but Fever Ray managed to grab me by the throat with this one.
2. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
Full of great songs such as My Girls, Lion in a Coma and Brothersport.
3. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Brilliant, yet subtle compositions. Two Weeks must've been the most perfect single of '09...
4. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
... or is it Lisztomania? Phoenix managed to keep me interested for quite a few years now, but this album finally got them the attention they deserve.
5. Gossip - Music For Men
This album has so much energy wrapped into perfect pop gems. Because of all the media attention you might forget that Beth Ditto is not only a truly inspirational person, but also a great singer.
6. The Hickey Underworld - The Hickey Underworld
Surprisingly good debut album of this Antwerp quartet.
7. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz!
Not as edgy as their previous work, but still highly enjoyable.
8. HEALTH - Get Color
About 30 minutes of loud, way too loud brilliance.
9. Absynthe Minded - Absynthe Minded
Yes, it was a great year for Belgian music.
10. The xx - The xx
Because how could it not be in the top 10?
11. Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
12. Metric - Fantasies
13. The Bony King of Nowhere - Alas My Love
14. The Thermals - Now We Can See
15. Girls - Album
16. Isbells - Isbells
17. John Frusciante - The Empyrian
18. Julian Plenti - Julian Plenti Is... Skyscraper
19. Julian Casablancas - Phrazes for the Young
20. Das Pop - Das Pop
21. The Raveonettes - In and Out of Control
22. Jamie T - Kings and Queens
23. Ghinzu - Mirror Mirror
24. Noisettes - Wild Young Hearts
25. The Whitest Boy Alive - Rules
26. Regina Spektor - Far
27. The Maccabees - Wall of Arms
28. Emilíana Torrini - Me and Armini
29. Nouvelle Vague - 3
30. Fanfarlo - Reservoir
31. Florence and the Machine - Lungs
32. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
33. Mos Def - The Ecstatic
34. Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
35. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
36. Jiggy Djé - De Ark de Triomf
37. Röyksopp - Junior
38. Spinnerette - Spinnerette
39. N.A.S.A. - The Spirit of Apollo
40. Dananananaykroyd - Hey Everyone!
41. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
42. Simian Mobile Disco - Temporary Pleasure
43. Karen O and the Kids - Where The Wild Things Are OST
44. Kings of Convenience - Declaration of Dependence
45. Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3
46. Little Dragon - Machine Dreams
47. Silversun Pickups - Swoon
48. Howling Bells - Radio Wars
49. White Rabbits - It's Frightening
50. Tiga - Ciao
Yes, but no:
La Roux - La Roux
Yes, she produced a bunch of more than decent and highly addictive singles, but she also goes down in history as one of the most annoying personalities of the year, in my opinion. The voice! The face! Aargh!
Passion Pit - Manners
The Reeling is an amazing song, but the rest of the album fairly disappointed me. A bit too soft, although their live show at Melt was a lot edgier than the album.
1. Florence and the Machine, Melkweg, Amsterdam (NL)
2. Gossip, Melt Festival (D)
3. Grizzly Bear, Melkweg, Amsterdam (NL)
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
you know it's been a good show when someone faints afterwards ;)
5. Fever Ray, Polsslag Festival (B)
6. Beirut, Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
7. Kings of Convenience, Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
8. Das Pop, Mezz, Breda (NL)
9. Noisettes, Melkweg, Amsterdam (NL)
10. White Rabbits, Paradiso, Amsterdam (NL)
I really liked Inglourious Basterds and De Helaasheid der Dingen. This year I really started getting into Belgian cinema, but most of the films I saw were released before 2009... Public Enemies was also enjoyable. My expections were really high for (500) Days of Summer, but the ending really disappointed me. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was also a bit disappointing, He's Really Just Not That Into You was pretty terrible. There are still quite a few movies I have yet to see, such as Antichrist, Up or New York, I Love You. And Where The Wild Are too, of course, but that hasn't even been released in NL yet.
Like in 2008, I don't think I've read one book that came out this year. I re-read Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, spent about 7 months getting through Naomi Klein's No Logo, which was very interesting but a bit heavy before bedtime or on the beach. Other books I read were A Disorder Peculiar to the Country by Ken Kalfus and Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris, both entertaining and somewhat funny, but not brilliant. A few weeks ago I started reading A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Tolz, so far I really like it. Oh and I got Eating Animals by Jonathan Safron Foer for Sinterklaas, that'll be my next read.
Little Dragon - Machine Dreams:
So predictable, I like anything with lots of colour and detail
I also really liked the cover art of Bitte Orca by Dirty Projectors, Tonight by Franz Ferdinand, Further Complications by Jarvis Cocker and Grrr.. by Bishop Allen. Definitely NOT memorable for their design: My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura (the font!) and Junior by Röyksopp.
Have a more than brilliant 2010 everyone!